Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 12 and the Big Bonk

Struckman is building the new Big Shark Bicycles in Chesterfield, we stopped in to do some framing and mudding during our ride.
That's Ben Banet in the back in the Mesa Kit, 15 year old motor with huge potential.

Ok, today is the start of day 12. The only problem I a list of problems. First, if you are what you eat, then I am an avocado. Because that is what have been groovin on. I think I get the biggest buzz off avocados, more than anything else while on this thing. I keep running out of avocados and woke up dreaming last night that I was in the produce section at Whole Foods and all the avocados were rock hard! Second, I like live music and beer. In this past week we had three shows at the Wolf, good shows. Jeremiah, Alvin, Kindom Brothers, and I had not one malt beverage. I wander the rooms, talking water talk, gaping a bottle of Aquafina, kind of yuppyscummish, wouldn't a porter do me justice?

I went out on a team ride and broke the seal on what was sure to be the pain train. Boz was right, I had to experience what my body would do with the lack of carbs. Man did I suffer. I was just looking up what others have said during the Clean diet Cleanse on the forum. I am not seeing anyone doing the type of intensity that I normally do and most people do not and/or hold off on intensity until after the cleanse because it is so centered on eliminating all sugar and bad carbs. I had to eat a couple cubes to get back and felt weak the entire ride. I will carbo load on clean carbs, ones that are "allowed" on the next long ride. Yesterday was only 35 miles, I can do that in my sleep on most days. Brown rice pasta anyone? That will not happen again.

So I will take it down a couple notches, ride by myself and wait out the cleanse. The cleanse diet is really only 21 days long, so I am closing in on week two. Thinking I will use the remaining shake mix until it is gone.

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