Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Getting it back (bike stuff)

Damn I hate the first couple of long road rides of the season. The only thing worse than actually suffering through the climbs and pain is getting caught posing for pictures, like we did by a fellow racer. It was Bauer's idea. I borrowed a couple DRJ guys because, well, they like to have the Pfoodman come out with them every now and then to see if I am still up to my whipping boy status. I have got some news for them. Drop me as you wish, but BIG BEND IS NOT ON THE ROUTE, ANYMORE, EVER! We might as well take Manchester.
I have begun my seasonal build up for 2007 and it hurts. I am 12 pounds lighter though, than prior year. That means 12 pounds not as fat as last year. I am thinking of aiming my sights at mid pack in a few significant races on the road, if I am ready. Someones got to be mid pack so I will trash myself, sacrifice myself for our Holy Pious, Kurt Russell, our Velo Force secret weapon.

On the mountain bike side I still suck but it is fun. Since my license says expert, I suppose I will toss my meat in to the piranha bath too. Not to try to win anything, but to offer myself up as lower mid Pack Fodder for those that always make the selection. By the way, Rich Pierce coined the term Pack Fodder. And it is useful and a powerful description in my circles.

I managed to bang out 5 hours a week consistently throughout the winter, mainly ice/snow mountain bike rides, single speed only. We had some consistency and that is good. The base is there. My endurance sucks.

Kaspar is pissed at me because I started recycling excuses again for not training with him this year, I did the same thing last year, the year before I trained with him and had my best season. Inci-DENT-ly, the boy is in major shape, 51 and as lean and mean as geezers get. He is a cat. 2 at 51 for christake. I will reward him with a full scale article soon. Kaspar is another of those people who provide certain magic to elements of life. You will get the picture.

Got out today for a quick 50. We had to wait for Ploch all day, next time I will bring a magazine. Seriously though, Chris got his Semi/Pro license today. That means bikes and expenses, yes?


Jim said...

New shorts!!!

Unknown said...

see i can go slow

The ralph account said...

I was cramping.

patchkit said...

Out for 50 with ya ladies and still kicked butt in the go karts tonight. Our team won the 6 night championship series at Gran Prix Speedway in earth city. After 18 races we came out on top. I know who cares about go karts.

The ralph account said...

Hey, maybe I can do a story on big wheel racing.