Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ah, night cross which shredded my seat post on Saturday night and created the following days slow fallback was about as good as it got this past weekend. I must say that I have enjoyed the cross series so much this year. First because I actually have done the races that I set off to do. Second because I have not completely fallen into the abyss during the season and dropped out of the series, even though it has been close. I feel this past weekend was a reduction in fitness to get ready for Herman's State Cross Championship. I will be training for the next two weeks to up my game.

Um, yes, here is something quite pleasing about finishing one of these heinous events. Has a lot to do with embarking on something and having the conversation with a fellow masochist afterwords about the experience, what was learned about how deep you dug. I can't think of any other way to describe the freaking pain, other than it is accompanied by humiliation most of the time. And a smile.


Anonymous said...
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The ralph account said...

Dude, give it up. You think I am stupid? Move on.

Anonymous said...

check_______ the_____or