Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blatant attempts at "one upping"

Damn those roadies are fast on those vintage 26ers. Great ride yesterday with Stover and O'guin (sp) of Dent Wizard. Hammered us. Rosen, it could only have been you with the 911 with the rear mount bike wrack, where were you, hiking? Who hikes?

Just so the playing field is level with the upcoming season, there seems to be a distinct group of individuals meeting around noon at Castlewood each Saturday/Sunday (in the sub 20's). Such hard core activity from the likes of Albert, Schuck, Thrasher (who is way over 40 now) Kent Jones (a regular) , Pierce, Harris, others. All are welcome. Schuck is selling tubes for those needing them...

Thrasher bit it nicely on the bridge on Love Canal, reference to earlier posts on their usefulness. Heh, he was a little winded from leading out. Think of this, for every eagle scout born, another bridge for Castlewood.

So I call Bauer and his wife tells me he is on a DRJ ride at the Chubb that left at 9:00. One up! They need to be exposed as well. Pretty sure I saw CP "mall walking" at West County. He'll be ready, as will the rest of the "every ride is a race to have more kids" team.

Barry, Barry "dirt crit 2001" Blumenkemper, after a few years of domesticated wedded bliss, out on a friggin singlespeed! Not only that, he was thin as a rail. I am thinking comback here.

Ted Weiss, such a class act, seen on the tandum MTB with wife. I get choked up seeing stuff like that. Ted is one tough guy as evidenced at Burnin last summer. Lets see, Sulivan. You should be there, bring Tim K too. Tell him yes, we will pay him to ride with us. He is old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mall walking, huh? does that mean a double berryman is 2up?