Monday, April 9, 2007

Ken's Candy

Ok, Ken has a new toy. I did a little research. Amazing the likeness of Jan Michael Vincent to Ken Keister. Amazing....

Tanner: [the Landmaster refugees are being waylaid by the "Mountain Men" in the desert] How long have you men been here?

Man: Since everything went to hell.

Damnation Alley, 1977:

The world is devastated by a nuclear holocaust. The devastation causes The Earth to tilt on its axis and this brings about vast meteorological chaos. As the weather dies down mutated insects start to emerge, preying on the survivors. The surviving crew at a US Air Force bomb shelter in the Mojave Desert pick up radio signals coming from Albany. The commander Major Eugene Denton unveils two armored vehicles he has constructed and announces a plan to cross ‘Damnation Alley’, the hundred mile wide strip between areas of radiation hazard, to join the survivors. They set off, along the journey taking on board two survivors, a novice singer they find in the ruins of Las Vegas, and a wild child. But their journey is also beset by giant mutated cockroaches, storms and crazed survivalists.


Anonymous said...

Which one is mine? They both look so cool. Of course, I think of me as more of a Macguyver type. This is just my red Swiss army knife.

Jim said...

Ford 4wd Sportsmobile's are cool. Way cool. Not so sure about the cheesy sci fi.