I knew when I called Rich and told him that I would be at Forest Park tonight for Cross practice that I would experience his majesty's "heinous-ness". And that is what he delivered. "Epicnicity Heinous-ness". Thanks Rich for a good time had by all. Mud, sweat and....mud. Spongy friggin mud. And not only that, Drew Black was kickin our A.
After what seemed like 10 laps, I decided to get the camera out, cover it with mud and take a couple pictures because I was tired and couldnt seem to get a gap on or catch anyone. So enjoy. If anyone feels like raking, sodding and strawing the mess that we made, forget about it, there was no damage.
Hey Yielding, we got steps.
what was my teammate thinking wearing the dress whites to cx PRACTICE! In the rain!
at least he looks happy
That was fun- great turnout of true crossers! Thanks for the help setting up, tearing up, and tearing down.
you'll simulate Hermann even more if you go up those steps :)
Damn work! I knew you guys would be out there. Very Belgian!!!!
Nice pictures!!! That was a real true cross course. I hope the camera made it through in clean shape.
Mr. Yielding, Dr. Pierce seemed to practice supreme heinousnicity by sending us up the stairs to a turnaround, then back down to a wet and slippery bridge deck. All for the sake of fun.
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