Enter the Geezer, and his company Geezerbuilt Furniture. In case you guys have wondered about Paul Krewet, good friend and confidant on things relating to the interior of Lone Wolf, there is much to know.
Paul has been the owner and proprietor of Rockwood Automotive for the past, like two hundred years. A boutique business out in...Rockwood somewhere. He does electrical work on cars, those types of electrical problems that require somebody who knows the intricacies of the various systems. He trouble shoots for dealers and all sorts of places where electric work is needed for repair, that if the repair place is in over their head, they call Paul in to fix it.
Back when Lone Wolf was getting off the ground, I asked Paul if he wanted to use his woodshop to craft out some furniture. Paul works with his hands and can whittle a canoe out of a toothpick. The result was all the rustic furniture that you see, a collection of tables and chairs and all sorts of interesting things about the place.
But that wasn't enough. In case you haven't seen Paul lately he has been on another project. But this time, with another woman. Yes, the Geezer still has time for all his women, but not his wife and child. Meet Large Marge, the Geezers new gal pal. Specifically designed for the picking up and transportation of logs and rough wood used in his furniture making. Paul gave me a demonstration on Large Marge the other day, then asked me if I would give it a try. I said not unless I can video it so when I do drop the stuff on my car, I can at the very least, post it on youtube. I elected to watch from a distance as the Geezer picked up the logs and maneuvered them around in a parking lot across the street from Lone Wolf.
Pretty cool Geezer. If anyone has a hankering for some furniture, made out of our own wood right here in Missouri, call the Geezer, Geezerbuilt Furniture of Rockwood.
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